Sunday, October 10, 2010

Once a Jew, Always a Jew?

Lately I've been thinking about what being Jewish (gasp!) means to me. Am I Jewish, agnostic, atheist, Wiccan?? Don't get nervous...that last one was a joke...not that I mean to be insensitive to all you Wiccans out there. I guess I do have something in common with them. I always tell people that my temple or church or place of worship, where I find peace, is probably in the woods, although you won't find me naked dancing around a fire. OK, I may have danced around the campfire a few times, but I was definitely clothed from head to toe to avoid mosquito and black-fly bites. I still consider myself Jewish although I don't belong to a temple and I only celebrate the holidays for the food and family. I just don't care for the weird ceremony and fake holiness of organized religion. For me,being a Jew is more of an identity that you can never shake. I've got the Jewish sense of humor and the worship of the Arts. Could my lack of interest in traditional Judaism go back to my childhood?? My brother had a fairly lavish bar mitzvah. The girls were forced to attend Sunday school but we never got the party!. Don't worry Mom and Dad. I know that's just the way the world was back then and I don't blame you. ( for that anyway!!) Ha-ha, always with the jokes. The world back then did not hold much space for the ethnic beauty and diversity we appreciate today. The ideal was white, blue -eyed and blonde haired. OK, I am white, blue- eyed and sort of blond, but looking at me, you would know I am not a WASP. I take that back. I guess I did fool a few people over the years, especially after I married and acquired the ultra Waspy last name of Adams. Unfortunately, that has led to many a Jew put down in my presence. Later, laying in bed and seething, I thought of many a catchy come-back to my so-called friends' slurs and stereotypical put-downs. My husband wants to know why the thousands of anti-Semitic websites and anti-Semitic politicians do not get more (negative) press. Why don't I care, he asks. Well, of course it upsets me. But let's face it. After thousands of years of persecution, hatred, and exodus, you get used to it! Sadly, I guess mankind will always come up with something to fight about, but religion has always been a biggie. Organized religion, while soooo very great for some, is not the way I choose to teach the difference between right and wrong, good and evil. As the late great John Lennon said "Whatever gets you through the night, it's alright, it's alright". So although I still burn the pretty, pretty menorah at Hanukkah,Channukah or is it Chanukah, and stuff my face with potato latkes, you won't find me at temple on Friday night.
Still, I didn't find it the least bit difficult to illustrate a book called "The First Gift". It was a sweet Christmas story about a boy, a dog and the meaning of love, and comes with an incredible musical score. I enjoyed working with the highly talented author/ composer and had fun painting Baby Jesus and a bunch of angels. The above illus. is part of the cover art.